Thursday, January 23, 2025

...und so weiter

 I decided to revive my blog. At this moment in time I feel severelly manipulated and restricted on pretty much all platforms.

i have a need to share, but i do not need to be oppressed.


Sunday, January 5, 2020

art as business continued

 2020 resolution. For me it is more a continuation of things I have been doing. I signed up with art storefronts late December. What made me choose them was the integrated printing service.
 I have been on the web since 1995, but I've never pulled things together and so to say.
It's still a long way to go but at least I can see some type of Direction now, integration.
Important elements are Instagram and Facebook. Instead of enjoying social contacting and kitten memes I need to use it as my store , my way to reach those that  enjoy my work.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Art as a Business and art, is like money and friends...don't mix?

Had an awesome time at the Book signing of the "Relative Unknown Vol.2". I saw old friends and found new members of my tribe...

I had merchandise (that word always reminds me of old band days when we would sell t-shirts and tapes and stuff) and set up a small table. ..but i was never there, rather mingle and talk...Business?

i'd rather give it all away. when someone understands what i do, i just get so happy that i dont want to sell it, i want to share it....

Art as a Business, all philosophies aside, i do provide a service and i need to have a roof over my head and food on the table to create. If i run around making money to keep that roof, i dont have time to make the works. then nobody wins right?

Art as a Business.


on Demand

augmented reality on your wall

options to get deco items

real life:

small shows

Friday, September 6, 2019

Feng Shui, Dream Castle - a new series

Feng Shui, seeing the world of energies through color and shape.
I enjoy working with that school of thought. The colors resonate within me and i understand their meaning well, the shapes still are somewhat ambiguous to me - I'm beginning to learn.
So colors and shapes, okay?  and how am I going to paint that?

that's when I had my epiphany
Years ago I had a similar problem.  my son is about 3 years old and I was trying to decorate his room with colorful art on the walls. I did not want athletes or sports or cars. While girls seem to have a large righty images to choose from, boys seems rather Limited. I had to make my own.

Looking around his room I found colorful wooden blocks. Since it was impossible for me to spend time in the Studio actually painting, I began doing mixed  media digital. I did mixed media digital for about five years but while I sold a lot of prints, postcards and such, it never got much "fine art" credit. I am an okay crafts artisan, but I am a much better artist. So I stopped and went back to straight art without digital.
..... but I never forgot the blocks really. 

and now I'm bringing them back and I'm very excited for so many reasons, that it will take another post to talk about

Saturday, August 24, 2019 epiphany

I had an epiphany some time back, realizing i had abandoned something and how to bring it back. the problem is, should i expose my new work, my new ideas on facebook - social media? to risky, at least for now. i want 5-6 new pieces ,then i can show it.
i am totally ecstatic about it, its perfect and will probably be the merger to fully brand me. as painter and artist the possibilities are endless...

i been looking at art, artist and listening to gallery owners - the politics of it all. i also put myself in their shoes, the buyer, the patron , the friend or investor. why would one want to enlarge my thumbnail?   and looks deeper to see my individuality? thousands of landscapes, trillions of sunsets..blues and yellows...why look at mine?

..Artist Trust - i became a member and reconnected with a good friend of mine.
 not loose my old work, she said, identify it by period. got it. by period sort of is time but also subject.

facebook. i will change privacy on almost all my works and albums. to scattered right now. later i can bring single, cleaned albums back on.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

feng shui continued, subtle differences between south west and south east,

South west is earth and south east is wood, the binding factor being fire between them. (had to correct previous entry)
in color terms
fire - reds, down to deep purples, oranges and strong yellows are present
earth- beiges, pale yellows, sandy and earthy clors
wood- beiges, greens - yellows

green and brown seem to be reserved for wood, but what sets earth apart from wood?

"follow me"
(in progress ofc)

Monday, May 20, 2019

feng shui the north

so after struggling repeadedly with doing south- red- paintings i finally think i got it. meanwhile i did a "north " painting and that came super easy. grays, round shape - no problem.

 it seems as if my favorite directions are east, north and south/east, north/ i have to work on the west and more south direction paintings