Thursday, August 6, 2009

Art- Digital Art- is it Art for me?

Art- Digital Art- is it Art for me? A double question: do I feel digital art is art? and Is digital art the art form for me?
To answer the second, well- it's all that I have really access to. My preferred medium is painting. The primordial splashing of paint, mass before form, discovering reality as I see it. That's my type of art. Outside in.
Photos? They are bizarre. For one the colors are all distorted and lost. Purple, dark green basically all shadow colors turn into a nameless dark blue. That's definitely not the way I see my world. Maybe some people do, or they are made to believe it is that way, because they have seen too many photographs.
...however, a photo gives great scale and structure. No more laboring over placement and size.
So- to combine the two.
"Idaho" was taken by me in Idaho, send through a total of 3 different programs, with about 20-25 adjustments in each (probably more) and still not done. Now I want to see how it prints. I still have canvas paper and regular good drawing/printing paper, that can give interesting results.

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